Sunday, December 22, 2013

Limelight: UP Pep Squad's Keith Landicho

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - I am pretty sure everyone knows how much of a UP Pep Squad fanboy I am.. No? Okay. But yeah, I am.. You wouldn't believe it, but 50% of any Youtube UP Pep video views is mine (hmm.. maybe 49%) As a matter of fact, I was there live during the 2011 and 2012 UAAP CDC and even made documentaries (here and here) and closely monitored them in 2013. I will be honest that I am not a fan of cheerleading and/or cheerdancing (if ever there's a difference.) I don't even know what "cupie" and "1-1-1" mean, if somebody could just explain it below this post right now, lol. So the main point is, there's gotta be something that UP Pep Squad has to be loved like this. For sure, I know I am not alone. I love them and we all love these people. They arguably have the largest fanbase compared to the other teams.

But admit it, if I ask you to give me a name of a member, will you be able to give me one? Except maybe for the stunners. Not even a name?

So let me formally introduce to you, Keith Landicho. A drummer-turned-cheerleader for the Unibersidad ng Pilipinas.
Keith and the UP Pep Squad. Taken by Ria Narciso.

Keith is a Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering student (3rd year) of UP Diliman. He’s currently a rookie cheerleader of the well-known UP Pep Squad.

I asked Keith some questions that fans surely want to ask.

1.   How long have you been a male cheerleader?
"Well, actually, as I entered UP, I was part of the Varsity Swimming Team. After being able to join the UAAP that same year, I realized that there was nothing else to dream for since the Olympics are well... you know like making pigs fly. I joined the UP Pep Squad Drummers the following semester and luckily made it in. It’s a thing for the drummers to play the drums during the UAAP Cheerdance Competition. There’s like an assessment for the whole semester of an individual’s performance and if you make the cut, you’ll be taking up a slot in the roster of drummers for the Cheerdance Competition. Not to brag but I made it to the roster twice, first was in 2012, when UP Pep completed their 8-3-1 stint. (8 titles, 3-peat, 1 squad). And the following year, when the UP Pep Squad failed at their attempt of a 4-peat but emerging as 1st-runner up. As the second semester started, I felt that there was more to learn in the squad, there was something to work even harder for, but it wouldn’t be with the drummers, but with the UP Pep Squad Dancers. I actually took up Cheerdance as a P.E. subject the preceding semester, and I must say I really liked it."

2.   When people hear “cheerleader” they always imagine girls wearing short skirts, holding pompoms. What do you think about that stereotyping?
"Well we couldn’t do anything about that but show them that that’s not the case today anymore. It isn’t simply leading cheers in games and going all cutesy cutesy for the crowd and the players. It’s now a display of strength and skill which would unknowingly reflect to the University."

3.   Why being a cheerleader? You could be someone else, you know, like an archer or a swimmer.
    "Because there’s something feasible to achieve, like the Cheerleading World Championships. There are just no limitations! You are constantly learning from training and experiences, and short and stubby people (like me) aren’t at a disadvantage. It’s a battle of wit and will. Unlike swimming, as I’ve mentioned before, height, and weight’s  a huge factor."

4.   I know this has been asked for a million times now: what motivates you to work hard?
"My teammates. Since I have very little background on cheerleading, simple words of encouragement from them’s a big thing. I have to catch up on so many things, from skills, to gymnastics, and dance techniques. It’s a lot to take in but as I see everyone trying and doing their best,  I get motivated to do the same. Everyone’s working really hard for the team. I must do my part of working just as hard. Plus bringing The UAAP Cheerdance Competition Crown back to where it belongs"

5.   I am now turning into a pessimist (lol) so, what will make you quit then?
"My mom. LOL kidding. Another shoulder injury(from swimming) I guess. But I’m more careful now than ever."

6.   What’s the UP Pep member’s greatest dream? Something that you think you and your teammates share?
"I guess it’s to compete in the UAAP Cheerdance Competition and bring back the crown to Diliman. And something even further’s the Cheerleading World Championships."

7.   What do you do during your free time? Do you guys even have “free time”?!
"Well of course we do. I’m still at the point of adjusting though. Since training is from 6pm-10pm at night (sic), I have to study and do homework during my free time. Well sleeping takes up most of my free time."

8. Have you ever had a “UP Pep Cry” moment? You know? Made you cry because of pain or happiness?
"Nope. None as a dancer yet. But as a drummer, yes. When Boom Gonzales announced that the UP Pep Squad was the 1st runner-up it broke our hearts, but looking on the bright side, even if the squad had 3 or 4 stunt falls, they still managed to get 2nd place. It was painful for us, to see our teammates (the dancers) crying."

9.   This must be the most difficult decision-making you’ll ever imagine: choose between “graduating but you’ll no longer be part of UP Pep Squad –like totally an amnesia for them” and “not graduating (ever) but will still be part of UP Pep, becoming a UP Pep legend
"I should make it a point to leave a legacy before I graduate. *wink wink* (sic)"

10. What is your message to all "UP Pep Fans"?
"Keep on supporting the UP Pep Squad! I have really been admiring the UP Pep Squad Dancers from the beginning and really wanted to join them ever since I was a freshie, so, pursue your dreams and don’t let what you really want to do become a frustration."

Keith describes himself as a happy-go-lucky student. Though incredibly friendly, he thinks he lacks in the 'socialization department.' And as to often being perceived as anti-social, truth is, he believes he's just really shy. Frank but soft-spoken, athletic, he is someone who thinks he can always get away with a genuine smile. His friends say that his face is very transparent to his feelings. He is tagged as hardworking, determined and very passionate.

To all THOSE girls, of course I know what you want to ask Keith. Don't fret, got the answer. You can regularly spot him practicing at the Aldaba Rehearsal Hall from six to ten at night. :)

TheWalkingJed™ (cc) 2013. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Philippines License.