Monday, February 24, 2014

Top 10 Zombie Items

GEORGIA, United States - Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the Top 10 Zombie-related stuff you all Zombie fanatics wish to have..

10. Zombie Doorstopper 
Admit it. Doorstoppers are boring. They are solid, and pretty much does the same thing every single day -- as a doorstopper. But a Zombie doorstopper changes everything.. I feel the pain... 

9. Zombie Slippers
You might find the item below similar to your feet with the slippers on. Get that pedicure please! 

8. Zombie Bedroom Slippers
Yes. They are lovely. No other comment.

7. Zombie Bookshelf
Since I love books, this must be included. Isn't this awesome?! 

6. Zombie Garden Gnomes
I don't own a garden. Not into gardening.. But seeing these little critters make me want to starting planting grass (if they are even planted.)

5. Zombie Bottle Opener
Booze willl never be fun without this!! 
4. Zombie Plastic Men
Yes.. These are the perfect enemies of your army men diorama.
3. Zombie Bedsheet
Not for girls. Because you'll never know if that bloodstain is the design or yours. LOL
2. Zombie RC
I love RC's (choppers, cars and boats) but none can be compared to this bomb!
1. Zombie Penholder
This is really, really clever. I'd like to have one of these!

Now, if you are wondering where to get these, you may visit and order from there. Mmkay?

If you have any other zombie stuff you wish to share, holler at the comment section below, zombie baby..

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